Monkey See Monkey Do: 2011-2016
When does it turn from play to real?

2011 Spray paint on cap gun, sharpie on wall

2014 Apple, chalk, water gun and sharpie 6" x 23" x 2" After the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre (December 14, 2012), The National Rifle Association proposed armed guards in every school. Some gun advocates called for arming teachers. Work in progress.

2014 BB gun and cap gun 16" x 31" x 1.5" The Sixth Commandment reads: Thou shalt not kill. (Exodus 20:13). Work in progress.

2014 BB gun and cap gun 16" x 31" x 1.5" The Sixth Commandment reads: Thou shalt not kill. (Exodus 20:13). Work in progress.

2014 BB gun and cap gun 16" x 31" x 1.5" The Sixth Commandment reads: Thou shalt not kill. (Exodus 20:13). Work in progress.

2014 BB gun and cap gun 16" x 31" x 1.5" The Sixth Commandment reads: Thou shalt not kill. (Exodus 20:13). Work in progress.

2014 BB gun and drift wood 31" x 84" x 2" When children play with toy guns or sticks, at what point does the fantasy switch to a desire for reality? Work in progress.

2014 BB gun and drift wood 31" x 84" x 2" When children play with toy guns or sticks, at what point does the fantasy switch to a desire for reality? Work in progress.


2010 Sketch

2010 Sketch
